
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Stonefields Progress and Bible Study Blocks

My original goal was to blog every week so I can actually see progress on my projects.  Hmmm..... that hasn't been going so well.  But this time, I DO have an excuse.  There's an mean little "crud" going around northern Virginia - and I got it.  It starts out with a little scratchy throat and headache, so you're not sure if you have a cold or it's just allergies.  So you give it a few days to "mature" - and it turns into a full blown sinus infection and, possibly, bronchitis too!  Ugh!  I'm on meds now and starting to turn the corner, but this thing's been kicking my butt for over a week now!  Which means that I have done absolutely NO sewing for over a week.  I haven't trusted myself to sit at my sewing machine or handle a rotary cutter.  And hand work?  I thought about it then figured I'd have to rip out anything I stitched and do it over.  So I've been doing nothing but taking meds and sleeping.

But, I do have some things to share.  After writing my last post, I was able to take some better pictures of my Stonefield blocks for month one..... and I finished with month two and took pictures of those.  Honestly, these little blocks are SO much fun to make!  And, in general, they go together pretty quickly - I think it takes longer to choose the fabrics than it does to actually make them. 

Disclaimer:  The blocks are each 6", I just haven't figured out how to make them all look the same size yet.

Here's month one:

The Stars

Orange Peel

Gateau de St Honore

Willie's Birthday
Posy Pot
And month two:

Bordered Hexagons

Square Peg in a Round Hole

Star in a Star

O for Oscar

The Oscillateur

Four Little Stars

I've also got some progress to share on my Bible Study blocks.  I touched on this project briefly a couple of posts ago, but now that I've figured out how to post pictures, I can share my progress with months one and two.  When choosing fabrics for this project, I kept going back and forth on what I wanted to use.  In the end, I chose batiks in blues and browns and have a photo of those, too.

Fabric Selection

Month One Blocks

Month Two Blocks

I have some other projects in the works and will share some of those next time - and hopefully, will have some Stonefields progress to show.  In the meantime, what's under your needle? 


  1. Wow..your Stonefields blocks are Gorgeous! Love all those wonderful fussy cuts. Your Bible blocks are beautiful too. The color palette you chose is wonderful, your quilt will be Stunning!
    Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Thanks Aunt Reen! I had hoped to have the next month of Stonefields and Bible blocks at least prepped by now - but my head's been so foggy I haven't trusted my judgement (or skills). :-) Hoping to get back to my sewing room soon.
